Caption This Photo "Contest"

Caption This Photo "Contest" April 25, 2011

It seems that Wild Goose executive director Gareth Higgins is taking a pilgrimage to one of the glorious hearts of theology in the U.S. Along the way he encountered fellow-pilgrims – and Wild Goose contributors – Jay Bakker, Peter Rollins, and Tony Jones.

This unholy trinity has concoctedcontest to demonstrate which one of them rules the socialmediasphere (humbly, of course): Who among them can move the most Wild Goose tickets in the next 72 hours?

To this end, each of them has been bestowed with a discount code from above – each equal in worth but distinct in personality:

Mr. Rollins:  “prollins”

Mr. Jones: “tjones”

Mr. Bakker: “jbakker”

Enter one of these codes (and alas, only one) at our Wild Goose ticket checkout and receive approximately $10 off each ticket. Demonstrate your e-loyalty to one of the above gentlemen of your choosing by entering their discount code. These codes are good for ten days, but your “vote” will only count for the next three days!

Choose wisely, friends. The winner will gain the very cuddly goose that Gareth is caressing in his arms. We will announce the winner on this very blog.

In the meantime, almost on cue, this mysterious photo crossed the desk of Goose Central. What’s going on here? Supply us with your caption!

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