Why the Goose is Unforgettable to Me: Jim Wallis

Why the Goose is Unforgettable to Me: Jim Wallis April 17, 2011

My life changed when I went to a Christian festival in the UK in the 1990s. The same could happen to you if you come to the Christian music and social justice festival happening in the U.S. this summer — which I am about to tell you about!

People often ask me how I met my English wife, Joy Carroll, who was one of the first women to be ordained in the Church of England. The answer always evokes good memories of the Greenbelt Festival in England, where more than 20,000 people gather each year at the end of August for a Woodstock-like event, with a twist. The focus is faith, music, arts, and a heavy dose of justice. Christians gather to celebrate God’s good gifts and work out how to be people of faith with integrity.

At the 1994 Greenbelt, amidst the music, art, and non profit organizations discussing how to bring about global justice, seminars, and workshops, Joy and I found ourselves on a panel debating the topic, “What’s the point of being an Evangelical?” — a topic we still disagree on today, 16 years later! She quickly attracted my attention and a two-year, trans-Atlantic romance led to the family that now consists of the loves of my life: my wife and my two wonderful boys, Luke and Jack.

Continue reading at Jim Wallis’s God’s Politics blog!

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