Wild Goose Festival Lineup Announcement: Conversations!

Wild Goose Festival Lineup Announcement: Conversations! April 15, 2011

After a brief hiatus to renovate the site, we’re happy to be back strong with the blog this week! We’ll be delving more in-depth into our lineup of speakers, musicians, storytellers and other program elements for the festival in coming weeks. Today we’d like to focus on our Conversations lineup – women and men who want to spend time with us shaping the first Wild Goose Flock.

This first year of festival contains an embarrassment of riches when it comes to contributors – opportunities abound to hear groundbreaking leaders talk about the intersection of justice, spirituality and art. Even so, it’s important to note that we’re not hosting a series of lectures – our talks programme is better understood as a gathering of conversations. This isn’t just rhetoric; we’ve invited all our speakers to be available for interaction in small groups as well as presenting on-stage. Perhaps the most appealing element of our conversation programme is our experimental zone – a geodesic dome seating up to 40 people, in which many of our speakers have been asked to talk about a question they feel they don’t understand: it’s your opportunity to answer it for them.
From dialogues on how to transform the economy, to how restorative justice helps transform the lives of both those who commit and those who survive crime (in tandem with our major social justice focus this year – prison and restorative justice), to unfolding stages of the spiritual life; from Native American concerns to the need for a new civil rights movement and more respectful dialogue among people of different faiths, our Conversation partners will not disappoint. Wild Goose Conversations aims to provoke, entertain, and with your input, become more than the sum of its parts.
Who’s speaking at the Wild Goose festival? We’ll give you a hint: Civil rights veterans, women entrepreneurs, seasoned retreat masters, theological pranksters, experts in prison reform and social change…the list goes on. But rather than us telling you about it, why not check out the list yourself!
This is a group of people you might want to sit around a campfire with, yes? If so, please consider purchasing your tickets this week. And if you’ve already purchased your tickets, could you do us a favor? Could you email three of your friends and ask them if they’ll join you at the Goose? You’ve already had the good taste and prescience to be part of our inaugural Wild Goose community – we know we’ll love your friends too.
Watch this space for lineup spotlights in coming weeks!

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