Tabernacled Time: Mark Scandrette

Tabernacled Time: Mark Scandrette May 2, 2011

In ancient times the tabernacle was a temporary and portable place of assembly and worship for people on the move. The tribes of Israel gathered under the belief that in the midst of their mixing, meeting, greeting, camping, feasting and rituals they would encounter the voice and presence of the Creator.

When I reflect back on my life so far, many of the most pivotal moments have occurred around tabernacle-like events: a surprising conversation that changed the course of my life, a chance encounter with a person who would became a lifelong friend, or a memorable moment when my imagination was stirred by a divine whisper that would sustain me through dark times ahead.

It’s no accident that these liminal experiences so often occur when we are far from home and in the company of strangers. We are generally more open to the movement of the Spirit when we are uncertain of our place. I approach events like the Wild Goose Festival as an act of pilgrimage– an occasional spiritual practice in which I venture away from home to mix it up with folks from many different tribes who seek a life together in the kingdom of love. Why else would it make any sense to go through the trouble and expense of traveling across country to camp in a field in the humidity of a North Carolina June? Seeking to practice the way of Jesus, I want to live at the intersection of justice, arts and spirituality and conspire with others who wish to do the same.

An event like Wild Goose gives us a chance to get a glimpse of how the church is collecting yearning and groaning and to feel the pulse of what God might be up to in our time At Wild Goose festival I expect to be inspired and challenged by people I have admired from afar. I expect to feast with people I love and make new friends. I expect to be uncomfortable and uncertain. I know that I will be stretched by the gifts and perspectives of others. I need to listen and learn to appreciate the breadth of what God is up to in our world. I’ve booked my ticket and made my plans not knowing exactly what it will be like or who will be there. I’m trusting that what happens at Wild Goose is what was meant to be– and that by simply showing up and engaging, I can be a part of that dream– to hear the voice of the Spirit quacking nosily among us like wild goose.

I’ll be there with folks from my tribe, celebrating the release of my latest book, Practicing the Way of Jesus, and sharing it as a tool for the revolution. I believe something magical happens when we take risks. And I hope you will be part of this experiment– to risk leaving places that are known to join a great throng of prophets, saints, tricksters and holy fools at Wild Goose.

Mark Scandrette integrates spiritual experiments and practices with an emphasis on creativity, community building and social action. He also writes and travels to teach groups and mentor other leaders who aspire to live and teach an authentic and socially conscious spiritual path. He lives with his wife and three high school aged children in an old Victorian in San Francisco’s Mission District, where he loves to cook, travel, hike, taste wine, write poetry and throw parties. Mark is looking forward to his upcoming book with IVP, Practicing the Way of Jesus: Life Together in the Kingdom of Love, which will be making its debut at the Wild Goose Festival.

You can get your Wild Goose Festival tickets here.

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