Joel McKerrow’s poetry at Wild Goose Festival

Joel McKerrow’s poetry at Wild Goose Festival March 15, 2012

When Wild Goose supporter Joel McKerrow heard the theme of Wild Goose 2012, Exile and Return, it took him back to 1984 when he wrote a poem entitled Exile.

“In today’s world we live as a distinct people in a dominant society that seeks to shape us to her image.” Joel told Wild Goose recently. “We too easily lose ourselves and lose the gospel in the ratrace of the western dream and the media promises of what life is meant to look like.”

“Our challenge, as was the challenge of the Exilic Israel, as was the challenge of Winston Smith in the classic 1984, is to resist the lure, to not lose ourself in its grasp, to remain distinct, to be in the world but not of the world. This poem is birthed out of those reflections and is meant to serve as an anthem to gather around as we remain the alternative people of God and his upside-down kingdom.”

You can listen to Joel’s poem here.

You can see Joel at the Wild Goose festival this year  (get your ticket here) or see more of his work at

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