What do you want to see in the future for Evangelical Christianity? Guest Post from Brandan Robertson

What do you want to see in the future for Evangelical Christianity? Guest Post from Brandan Robertson August 14, 2012

Note from editor: Frank Schaeffer is a dear friend of the festival. He offers both intellect and spirit from which many of us learn. Attender Brandan Robertson shares his learnings after interacting with Frank at Wild Goose East.

I was convinced that he was our brother in Christ and I wanted to hear his story.

At the end of June while I was at the Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina, I had the honor of sitting down with a brilliant man named Frank Schaeffer. Frank is the son of legendary Protestant thinker Francis Schaeffer and has become quite a profound legend himself within the progressive/liberal Christian world. A brilliant writer, Frank spent a lot of time writing and speaking about the dangers and the wickedness of Evangelical Christianity and the merits and glories of progressive and liberal faith. So it was a testimony to the grace and power of God when three conservative evangelicals sat down with one of the leading liberal voices to chat- and not debate but lovingly talk about the issues that matter to us both. Many conservatives would have wanted to lay into Mr. Schaeffer for his “heresy” and the “evil” he is spreading with his liberal message. But after spending a week witnessing Mr. Frank’s love and Christ like character, I was convinced that despite our major theological differences that he was a brother in Christ and I wanted to get to hear his story.

So, there we were, sitting on the front porch of an old house on a farm in North Carolina chatting with Frank Schaeffer. Laughing, saying amen, and even tearing up at certain points in the conversation. As the conversation came to an end, I asked one more question to Mr. Schaeffer: What do you want to see in the future for Evangelical Christianity? Below is a link to the audio of his response. You must take a listen:

Frank Schaeffers Response (3 mins)

Beautiful Example of Peace-Making

Mr. Schaeffer, with tears in his eyes and sincerity in his voice speaks of how he is planning to repent for his constant critique and burning of Evangelical Christianity. His response shook us to our core and we knew that Mr. Frank was genuine in his desire to see unity in the body of Christ. That he really did love us a brothers in Christ. That there was hope for the future of the Church of Jesus seeing unity not in spite, but because of our differences.

Now, two months later, Frank Schaeffer has publicly come out an “repented” for his burning of Evangelicals on the Huffington Post:

As for me I’m burnt out on rhetorically burning others. I’m going to try Hume’s agreeableness for a bit. Instead of damning each other, maybe we can learn to show mercy to those with whom we disagree, taking our cue from a teacher who said that love of enemy — not correct theology or politics — is all that can make us whole. (Whole Article Here)

I just wanted to publicly commend Mr. Frank Schaeffer as a young, conservative evangelical Christian who believes that liberals, moderates, and conservatives can all work together to see God’s Kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am not saying I agree with Mr. Schaeffers theological or ideological views- that’s the point. We differ. A lot. But we also have a lot in common, namely, a faith and relationship with the Lord of Creation, Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for the opportunity to meet Mr. Schaeffer and to see this day when he is taking a huge step forward for the glory of Jesus and the betterment of all of creation.

Thank You Mr. Frank!

Grace and Peace-


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