The Folkmagick of Forsythia

The Folkmagick of Forsythia April 24, 2020

Forsythia… how I await your return this year. Soon her blooms will burst forth within my woods and assure me of spring’s arrival. Forsythia is one of the very first flowering shrubs to arrive here, used traditionally to decorate the altars of Ostara and Beltane celebrations. My Beltane altar is always aglow with her bright sunny beauty, and signifies the long awaited reunion of the Lord and Lady of the Wood. In folklore forsythia is considered a flower of “anticipation,” and can be used in spell work where one desires to see something or someone come to them in the long run, as slowly but surely forsythia will bring to you, your hearts desire…

Magickally forsythia is associated with the number four, which indicates a balance and harmony with the four elements, as well as the four seasons. She is also related to Anahata or Heart chakra, the fourth chakra which deals with balance, a sense of calmness and serenity within. This in fact correlates to her planetary ruler the Sun, which deals with the emotions of self acceptance, feeling good about oneself, self confidence, and being healthy in mind body and spirit.

Forsythia is a burst of sunlight on an otherwise gray day, a true flower of spring and a healer like the sun as well. For forsythia contains rutin, and rutin possess high antioxidant properties making her a medicinal and enchanting tea infusion for abundance, health, beauty, and self assurance. So a perfect tea infusion to drink on Walpurgis Night, to give confidence in making the flight…

~Forsythia and Honeysuckle Tea~

Bring about 4 cups, or .946 liters to a rolling boil in a tea pot. Take either two handfuls of forsythia, or one forsythia, and one handful of honeysuckle, as they make an enchanting combination. Place the flowers in a bowl, give them a splash of amaretto, toss the flowers in the spirit and then add this to the boiling water. Let them steep for  about thirty minutes or so, strain and enjoy.

A toad in flight to the sabbath.

Forsythia can be used in incense blends, smoked, made into a splendid spring wildflower jelly or syrup , and would make an excellent flower essence as well. So try working with forsythia and see the return of light, and the good things to come… Happy Spring!

If you would like to read more about the magickal folklore of plants, follow my blog ~ Witch of the Wood with Raven Wood

And follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WordPress. Or check out my online shop, Deep Within the Hollow for everything witchy and herbal.

About Raven Wood
Raven is a traditional witch of Celtic and Germanic roots, who lives and practices her craft in the woods of northern Wisconsin. She has been a practicing planetary herbalist, alchemist, and tarot reader for over twenty five years. She is also an author for Patheos Pagan and has contributed to UK horror author Sarah England’s books such as The Soprano, The Owlmen, Hidden Company, and Monkspike. Raven is the owner of the online shop "Deep Within the Hollow" where she does her readings and creates herbals for magickal intent, her first book in the works. You can read more about the author here.

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