Is Islam Violent? Aslan Says No

Is Islam Violent? Aslan Says No September 30, 2014

Here, on CNN with Don Lemon, Reza Aslan argues that Islam does not promote violence. He suggests that those who believe that it does promote violence, like the comedian Bill Maher, do not have a sophisticated understanding of religion.

Aslan was on Maher’s late night show, Real Time with Bill Maher, when Maher suggested a link between Islam and violence. He noted that female genital mutilation was a Muslim problem. Aslan pointed out that while female genital mutilation is an African problem, it is most common in Eretreia and Ethiopia, both Christian countries.

Maher noted that Saudi Arabia restricts women rights, and does not allow women to drive. Aslan argues that Saudi Arabia is an extremist country where restriction are commonplace but such restrictions are not commonplace in other countries where Muslims are the majority like Turkey, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.

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