Combatting Extremism with DNA

Combatting Extremism with DNA July 27, 2016

Momondo allows you to discover your genetic past through DNA and learn how connected you might be to others around the world.

The project is part of an effort to diminish extremism by showing people from different cultures and religious beliefs how much they have in common.   One Russian woman discovered that she had some Native American  and Japanese blood.  A Muslim woman discovered that she had Jewish blood.

Monondo believes that people will want to visit the countries that are part of their heritage, so they sponsor a competition in which you could get your DNA analyzed and win an expense paid journey to every country you are from.  The project believes that travel can open our minds and help us to understand our differences.

Here’s the introductory clip explaining how DNA might open our world. The second clip shows young what happens when a young French woman, Aurelie, discovers her results.

Thanks to Justin Summey for the link.

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