In The Way, I suggest that we should hold our political and religious beliefs more loosely. The book describes how the new physics transforms our understanding of the physical universe and how 2,000 years of progress in history, science, philosophy and theology transforms our understanding of Ultimate Reality.
In a black-and-white Newtonian universe, there is no paradox. But, in a Technicolor quantum universe, there is a lot of paradox. The universe is a connected field, not a bunch of discrete objects. Thus, the only constant is change. Energy and matter are two manifestations of the same substance. Space and time are space/time. Light is both particle and wave.
So, objects are not as “solid” as they appear, and space is not as “empty” as it appears. Dichotomous possibilities co-exist until events collapse the probability function. Albert Einstein coined the term “spooky action at a distance” to describe nonlocality, the influence that particles exert on each other, instantaneously, across great distances. “Black and white” thinking no longer suffices.
Of course, we all have beliefs, and some of us can hold them so tightly that they seem like facts to us, but they are NOT facts. All religion is cultural, and all theology is speculation. Similarly, all politics is cultural, and all ideology is opinion.
Religions offer different languages to describe the same indescribable Ultimate Reality. Similarly, political parties offer different approaches to resolve the same important, but intractable, problems. In politics and religion, reasonable people can disagree.
Asking Questions
I learn the most by asking questions. And I change my mind, frequently. Like most open-minded people, I change my mind when I get new information. I know much less than I used to “know,” after living for 66 years, reading 1,000 books, traveling around the world and undergoing several transformative experiences.
I keep myself (and others) straight by asking questions. In our world today, so divided by politics and religion, it is essential to seek common ground, to test our assumptions and to understand different perspectives. One advantage of changing my mind often is that I have held different beliefs. Often, I can say, “Yes, I understand. I believed that for a long time, too.”
People believe things for different reasons. Sometimes, beliefs are comfortable. For some people, it is comfortable to believe that there is a God, that God is personal, that God establishes rules, that God punishes disobedience and rewards obedience, or that we survive our physical deaths to reap our eternal punishments or rewards.
Is there objective evidence to support any of these beliefs? Are there subjective experiences to support any of these beliefs? Is it laudable or is it laughable to hold beliefs that are NOT supported by either objective evidence or subjective experience?
Some people believe things that are actually refuted by objective evidence and subjective experience. Google “How many people believe…” and insert “9/11 was an inside job” or “the earth is flat” or “the Holocaust never happened” or “the moon landing was a hoax.” Amazingly, about 30% of us believe that each statement is true, despite compelling evidence to the contrary.
In coming weeks, I will be writing about how I navigate discussions about politics and religion, from the standpoint of Larry Jordan Author, who is often asked to talk or write about these topics. By contrast, Larry Jordan might rather keep his political and religious beliefs to himself. In my opinion, it is better to “walk the walk” than to “talk the talk,” anyway.
Politics and Religion
Politics and religion have been intertwined since the fourth century, when Constantine embraced Christianity and convened the Council of Nicaea. In The Way, I ask, “Where did we learn to value beliefs over facts?” We learned that in church. “Where did we learn that people with the same beliefs are better than people with different beliefs?” We learned that in church, too.
I spent 25 years in a transactional business, where we only got paid if deals closed. In my experience, the “art of the deal” does NOT involve belittling or punishing or taunting people. Instead, dealmakers have to find win/win solutions, which means that they have to understand the other party’s negotiables and non-negotiables as well as they understand their own.
In having dialogue that seeks understanding, it is helpful to cite facts, not opinions, and to cite credible sources, not biased sources. Have you ever seen a healthy discussion between two people, where one person gets their talking points from Fox and the other person gets their talking points from MSNBC? Me neither.
It is NOT helpful to engage in what is called a Gish Gallop. Duane Gish was a creationist who overwhelmed debaters with an avalanche of half-truths, lies, misstatements, and weak arguments. Have you ever seen a healthy discussion between two people, where one person is a Gish Galloper or (worse) where both people are Gish Gallopers? Me neither.
Sometimes, the best way to talk about politics and religion is NOT to talk about politics and religion. Some people recite monologues (and some people respond by reciting their own monologues.) Actual dialogue requires active listening, active questioning, and a sincere desire to understand. There is no sense talking to a brick wall.
In The Way, I suggest that we should hold our political and religious beliefs more loosely.
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The Way is a Silver winner in the 2024 Nautilus Book Awards in the Religion/Spirituality of Other Traditions category.