Sorting out the Bible | Sarah Bessey Brings a Good Word on Jesus-Centered Faith

Sorting out the Bible | Sarah Bessey Brings a Good Word on Jesus-Centered Faith November 3, 2015

How Jesus changes the way I read Scripture

Forgot to share this one a couple weeks ago – I absolutely LOVE how Sarah is expressing the impact of Jesus-centered interpretation on her faith. Especially her view of Scripture.

Amazing quote here:

Jesus reveals the Scriptures to us. How we read the whole of Scripture must be informed by the person of Jesus Christ because God is exactly like Jesus. The entire Bible—the whole story arc—must be read and understood through the Cross and the Resurrection and the ongoing restoration of the world.

Be sure to read the whole article here: Sorting out the Bible | Today’s Christian Woman

And be sure to pick up a copy of Sarah’s new book Out Of Sorts, which released TODAY

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