Praise for Wisdom & Wonder

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Wisdom & Wonder
Common Grace in Science and Art
By Abraham Kuyper


Richard J. Mouw"The appearance of this treatise in English translation is for me the beginning of a larger dream come true. Kuyper's writings on common grace are much needed 'for such a time as this' and Wisdom & Wonder is a marvelous foretaste of more that is to come!"

Richard J. Mouw
president and professor of Christian philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary

"Abraham Kuyper was a profound theologian, an encyclopedic thinker, and a deeply spiritual man who believed that it is the believer's task 'to know God in all his works.' In a day when secular science is seeking to establish hegemony over all knowing, and when postmodern art is threatening to bring an end to art, Kuyper's solid, Biblical insights can help to restore perspective and sanity to these two critical areas of human life."

Chuck Colson
Founder, Prison Fellowship and the Colson Center for Christian Worldview

"Abraham Kuyper's Wisdom & Wonder is an eloquent theological antidote to the anti-intellectualist and anti-artistic impulses that infect so much of the contemporary church. Kuyper issues a clarion call for Christians to move beyond Bible study and theology, and beyond church art, to engage in these graced endeavors (science and art) in gratitude to God and out of fidelity to Christian conviction. Though Kuyper wrote these words more than one hundred years ago, they have lost none of their bite and relevance."

Nicholas Wolterstorff
Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale University
Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia

"How do we make sense of the contributions of, say a Steve Jobs, to human culture? How do Christians account for the rather immeasurable amount of good achieved by those presumably uncovenanted with God? Common grace is the answer: His mercies are over all his works. This first-ever English translation of Abraham Kuyper's work on common grace hits the sweet spot for Christians seeking answers to questions about the breadth of the gospel, their own roles in public life, and the beneficial contributions of others, especially in science and art. Highly needed and recommended."

David K. Naugle
distinguished university professor, Dallas Baptist University
author of Worldview: The History of a Concept

"'What do you possess that you did not first receive?' asks St. Paul (1 Cor. 4:7). In other words, everything is grace-in one sense. But if that is so, what happens to the distinctive grace of the gospel? It is the great merit of the neo-Calvinist Abraham Kuyper that he addressed that knotty problem in ways that still command attention. This new translation of Wisdom & Wonder will help all Christians keep their confessional distinctiveness while remaining open to the world. Here is salt that has not lost its tang."

Edward T. Oakes, SJ
professor of systematic theology, University of St. Mary of the Lake

"The essays translated in this volume represent Kuyper's mature and comprehensive thought on science and the arts in general-a coherent position grounded in Calvinist theology and demonstrating a keen understanding of the cultural currents of his day. They set a provocative example that Christian thinkers should try to match in our own day."

James Bratt, professor of history, Calvin College
editor of Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader

"God's redemption is as wide and high and deep as the expanse of his creation. This is the central message of Abraham Kuyper that has been heard anew by a generation of young evangelicals who have a new appreciation for the importance of Christian culture-making. This book is a wonderful way to meet Kuyper face-to-face and hear from him first hand. I look forward to pointing friends and students to this wonderful anthology. It's just what we need."

James K. A. Smith, professor of philosophy, Calvin College
author of Letters to a Young Calvinist: An Invitation to the Reformed Tradition

"A century before the institutions of Christian higher education took up the conversation over faith and learning in earnest, Abraham Kuyper had already masterfully described the terrain. We are indebted to Christian's Library Press for publishing this new translation of Kuyper's work. Wisdom & Wonder deserves a wide readership among all those who have tried to solve the riddle of what it really means to have a Christian world-and-life view."

3/16/2012 4:00:00 AM
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