About the Book and Author

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Let Your Spirit Guides Speak:
A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy
by Debra Landwehr Engle

About the Book

This is a clear and thoughtful introduction to building relationships with your spirit guides. It shows readers how helpful spirit guides and angels can be in everything from the simplest to the most challenging decisions and how easy they are to connect with, too.

Our spirit guides help us to:

-Fulfill our purpose

-Make decisions that will move us forward

-Stop sabotaging ourselves as well as judging ourselves and everyone else

-Remember that we are more than our job or relationship

-See ourselves as beautiful and everything in life as a gift

-Give ourselves and everybody else a break

-Keep growing until the day we leave our bodies behind

-Go beyond the life we hoped for and onto the life we never even imagined.

And they do all of these things when we're ready and not a nanosecond before. They also often come quietly. As the author states: "If we expect help from the Spirit to arrive with the sound of trumpets and blinding light, we'll overlook all the nuanced help that's delivered in small ways every day."

About the Author

Debra Landwehr Engle is the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need, workshop facilitator, and regular blogger at Patheos.

She is also a longtime teacher of A Course in Miracles and a widely traveled inspirational speaker. She lives in Winterset, Iowa.

9/16/2016 4:00:00 AM
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