Praise for True Christianity 2

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club 
True Christianity, Volume 2 (New Century Edition)
By Emanuel Swedenborg

What People Are Saying

"This freshly translated work is of the most profound significance for anyone interested in understanding Swedenborg's thought.  In my judgment, it is essential for both students and scholars, who will find it a fascinating read and an invaluable addition to the field.  The comprehensive and illuminating preface, introduction, and notes bring new insight to the text and its context; they are truly distinctive contributions that make this edition of True Christianity a must for any good library."
—Antoine Faivre, Professor Emeritus of History of Esoteric and Mystical Currents in Modern and Contemporary Europe, Sorbonne

"True Christianity is the capstone of Swedenborg's thought and probably the best summation of his theology.  It is invaluable for understanding the deeper meaning of Christianity.  This new version, the best ever produced, presents this magisterial work with clarity and grace.  The notes and introduction are not only helpful but fascinating."
—Richard Smoley, author of Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition and Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy 

"Swedenborg's message is like the rock smitten by Moses, yielding sweet streams of healing water, even an abundance of truths for those who hunger and thirst in their pilgrimage through an age of materialism and selfishness.

—Helen Keller, author and humanitarian from her introduction to a previous translation of True Christianity

11/1/2012 4:00:00 AM
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