Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
40 Days With the Holy Spirit
by Jack Levison
About the Book
40 Days With the Holy Spirit will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. You'll develop stronger spiritual muscles as you breathe, read, reflect, and pray—all with an eye to cultivating a relationship with the least familiar member of the Trinity. The book is interactive, offering the opportunity to write and pray each day; intelligent, rooted in a rigorous study of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation; and inviting, with 40 insightful, well-planned 20—30 minute daily exercises; and prayerful, with 40 original prayers that capture each day's insight into the deep, spiritual work of the Holy Spirit.
About the Author
Called a "brilliant and spirited theologian" by author Phyllis Tickle, Jack Levison is a featured blogger for The Huffington Post and a regular contributor to Patheos, the world's largest independent site for conversations on religion.
Jack is an internationally recognized scholar, whose books have received wide acclaim. Eugene Peterson considers him "the most competent scholar and clearest writer on the Holy Spirit that I have known." Scot McKnight, author of The Jesus Creed, characterized Filled with the Spirit as "the benchmark and starting point for all future studies of the Spirit," and Walter Brueggemann hailed it as "inspired."
Jack has received grants from the National Humanities Center, the Lilly Fellows Program, the Louisville Institute, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Rotary Foundation, the International Catacomb Society, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. He directs an international research project, The Historical Roots of the Holy Spirit, and is founding editor of a new book series, Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
He currently serves as president of the Pacific Northwest Region of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature. Raised in Levittown, New York, Jack left to attend Wheaton College, where his Greek professor captured his imagination with visions of Cambridge University. When he returned from England to pursue doctoral studies at Duke University, Jack fell in love with a divinity student, Priscilla Pope, alongside of whom he now teaches at Seattle Pacific University. Jack now lives with his family and black lab mix in Shoreline, Washington.
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