As one of the authors of the current policy, I have to tell you that I'm not entirely happy with it. This policy hasn't dealt with the real problem for several years. It hasn't solved it. I'd like for us to do better, and I can't yet say that I know how, or if, we can do that.
What should our policy be? It needs to be based on the fact that The Troth is not a sect. It needs to pay attention to a wide range of strongly felt sensibilities. If you belong to this organization, don't base your membership on any kind of belief that everyone here thinks just like you. This is religion and that's not how it works. Furthermore, this is The Troth and that's not how it works.
One suggestion I've heard is to have some Rede member formally acknowledge Loki during sumbel. That's acknowledge, not embrace. This would handle the issue raised in Lokasenna. Many people, including some of the Loki-averse, already do this in their private rites. Bringing Loki into the picture by other persons or means would still not be allowed at this event.
At this year's Grand Sumbel, the Rede agreed to have Kveldulf Gundarsson tell a very formal version of Thrymskvida as a part of the rite. This is a story in which Loki is an entirely positive character. Kveldulf told the whole thing in context—no cherry picking. If this is a problem to the point we can't even recite our own myths accurately, I'm going to start wondering why we're doing any of this.
I am very sure of one thing though. Grand Sumbel at Trothmoot is the High Rede's sumbel. No other party or thew may hold sway here if this thing is going to work at all. A good Rede will let you know in advance what the rules are, where those rules attempt to respect the membership as a whole. That doesn't mean that every member, which is to say you, will necessarily like every aspect of them. Either accept this with good will, or don't come. One painful experience after another has made it clear that that's the way it has to be.
Word gets around fast and certain big talkers have been chattering about last weekend's events—getting a lot of it wrong.
For the record, The High Rede met with our founding elders to discuss our policy on Loki. We listened to their concerns and promised to consider their case. Everyone attending that meeting left it with the understanding that our current published policy has not changed, should not change, and will not change until we've had a chance to think about this carefully. Deciding whether it will change at all is the responsibility of the Rede.
As for the big talkers, some very public retractions and apologies are in order. Whether these apologies arrive will speak plainly enough to the state of their honor.