Learn more about this podcast at churchhistoria.com Among the Christian emperors of Late Antiquity, Justinian stands out along with Constantine as one of the greats. In this episode, we’ll explore the story of Justinian and his wife Theodora and and Divinely Appointed Royalty. Justinian wanted nothing more than to restore the Roman empire to its glory, and creating a unified Christian empire was critical to that vision. Unfortunately for Justinian, his people were deeply split over their understandings of Christ’s nature and how his God-ness and human-ness related. The division didn’t deter the theologically-inclined emperor, however. In his attempt to restore the glory of his empire and unify it in a single Christian expression, Justinian spent a good amount of his reign navigating this debate both religiously and politically. This vision of a unified Christian empire, ruled by the divinely blessed royal couple, would live on past Justinian and Theodora and would shape politics in the forthcoming centuries.