Robert Shinn, a savvy businessman, sought to leverage the viral success of TikTok and its star dancers by launching his own management company, aiming to tap into the burgeoning social media phenomenon. However, as time went on, the families of these young dancers began to grow increasingly alarmed. Their children were not only becoming intensely religious but also increasingly isolating themselves from their loved ones. What started as a promising business venture soon sparked serious concerns—was Shinn’s enterprise a legitimate management firm or something far more troubling, bordering on cult-like influence? Trigger Warnings: Cults Manipulation Religious Trauma Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Trafficking Fahlo Use Code: LACIBEAN20 Try Javy Today! Affiliate Link: Coupon Code: LACI33468 Deadly Faith PATREON: Deadly Drip Merch Need A Podcast Editor? Reach out to Eric Howell the editor of the Deadly Faith podcast! Email: Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1(800)799-7233 Open 24/7 Suicide Hotline Call 988 Open 24/7 National Human Trafficking Hotline Open 24/7 1(800) 373-7888 Connect with Us! Email The Podcast Tik Tok @DeadlyFaithPodcast Instagram @DeadlyFaithPodcast Laci Tik Tok @Laci_Bean Instagram @Laci__Bean Lola Tik Tok @hellotherelola Instagram @Spellbound_Shears