In the tranquil town of Maplewood, a seemingly ordinary man named Jason Lytton became the focus of a disturbing investigation. As unsettling details emerged, the community was forced to confront a web of lies and criminal activity. Tune in as we unravel the dark and complex story of Jason Lytton, revealing the shocking truths behind his fall from grace. Trigger Warnings: CSAM formally called Child Pornography Betrayal Podcast Season 2: Ashley Lytton Betrayal, A Father’s Secret Docuseris Available on Hulu Fahlo Use Code: LACIBEAN20 Try Javy Today! Affiliate Link: Coupon Code: LACI33468 Square 2: Next Steps Into Reconstruction - Self-Paced Reconstruction Course Discount Code: LOLA Deadly Faith PATREON: Deadly Drip Merch Need A Podcast Editor? Reach out to Eric Howell the editor of the Deadly Faith podcast! Email: Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1(800)799-7233 Open 24/7 Suicide Hotline Call 988 Open 24/7 National Human Trafficking Hotline Open 24/7 1(800) 373-7888 Connect with Us! Email The Podcast Tik Tok @DeadlyFaithPodcast Instagram @DeadlyFaithPodcast Laci Tik Tok @Laci_Bean Instagram @Laci__Bean Lola Tik Tok @hellotherelola Instagram @Spellbound_Shears