Questions built into answers. Countermands built into commands. Imperfection built right into perfection. That's the pattern that's always unfolding. And my friend, Derrick Logan kinda embodies all of this. One can?t get any higher on the evangelical-worship-scene-ladder than Derrick was, and yet, the questions just continued to accompany him. And it?s not as if you can?t ask some questions in that context. As Derrick said, ?It?s okay to question the questions in the box. The problem is when you begin to question the box itself!) So, not surprisingly, he pulled at some threads. Knocked on some doors. Followed some trails. And got himself escorted out of the system but? he?s finding life! I dare you to search for derricklogan on twitter and be aware of how his story is unfolding. And meanwhile, if you want to, give a star, a thumbs up, a like, a whatever it is your particular platform wants for this podcast that would be great. And don?t forget to sign up for the newsletter at Have a great day! j_f substack j_f insta