On this episode I took a group of questions I got recently about church and boiled ?em down to one: How did we get here? There are a handful of different topics to work through in order to answer that question well, but here?s a bit of my take filtered as it is through mimetic theory, open and relational theology. So, we?ll talk about Omnipotence some, plus the scapegoating mechanism, some evangelicalism and Donald Trump, control, sacrifice, immutability, and a bunch of other super fun topics! -And don?t miss my conversation with my friend, Rev. Dr. Letiah Fraser on the subject of the church at https://www.patreon.com/jonathan_foster -Helpful sources and/or things I cite? -Paper on Panentheism and Panexperientialism for Open and Relational Theology https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9783957437303/BP000019.xml?language=en -Open and Relational Theology https://www.amazon.com/Open-Relational-Theology-Introduction-Life-Changing/dp/B096WM4PQN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UT60AGDLIUDA&keywords=open+and+relational+theology&qid=1660654400&sprefix=open+and+relational+theology%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-1 -R,.T. Mullins Podcast Page: https://www.rtmullins.com/podcast Kristen Du Maze John Wayne and Jesus, https://kristindumez.com/books/jesus-and-john-wayne/ -Feel free to leave a review, share it with a friend, and don?t forget to sign up for my newsletter at jonathanfosteronline.com. -The main music for this season?s show is from Velveteen, entitled, ?Losing It,? and on this episode there?s a tune from OTE called ?Riding Lower.? Both of those songs come to us by way of epidemicsound.com. And then a bunch of the samples and other music comes from Landr.com or me. j_f substack j_f insta lovehaiti.org