Let’s talk about the 1970’s Christian horror movie I saw when I was nine years old. And how this led me to a life of fear when it came to my faith. Rapture Theology has played a big part in my anxiety/depression through most of my life. I only came to see there are different views (way more reliable views) in the past few years. Listen along as I explain about the confusion and fear that has been perpetuated by this theology. Here is a book by Keith Giles that played a crucial role in me having my eyes opened to the different teachings and belief that have been held for thousands of years: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Unexpected-Keith-Giles-ebook/dp/B08DM8HGFL Here’s a link to my book! https://www.amazon.com/Too-Much-Not-Enough-Thoughts/dp/1957007648/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GJ2Y4KG7CTT5&keywords=too+much+and+not+enough+karen+shock&qid=1685855615&sprefix=too+much%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1 And my website… https://www.karenruthshock.com