
The Sacred Thoughts Podcast

Season 1: Episode 7 "When Dreams are Dashed" part 2 EPISODE 6

Amy Heilshorn joins me in the studio for the 2nd part of our series, on our journey into and out of some devastating church situations. We talk about - Our move to Columbus, Ohio - Living together for over a year - College ministry -Community groups - Our homeless friends - Francis Chan and the e-mail that wrecked us - The anxiety that came with it - Asking questions - John Piper - Authoritative pastors - She Has A Name - A possible move to Atlanta - Back to Fort Wayne Our lives have quite a rollercoaster… so many hard memories but also so much good that has come out of it. Amy was somewhat of a “reluctant” guest. I had to really talk her into doing this. And… she did great! I know there are more stories to tell, so we will have to do it again sometime. Right, Aims??? Visit the Website here! https://www.karenruthshock.com Purchase the book here! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1957007648/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1681507542&sr=8-1

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