Why You Can't Worship Jesus Christ and Be Pagan

So, it is time to get serious.

Perhaps you are a Christian who has seen the enormous good that is in Paganism but missing from your religion, and you want some of that. Learn, then leave us and go reform your own religion; you may be its salvation.

Perhaps you are a Pagan who has not been able to overcome the conditioning that tells you the Christian god-complex is good. It is hard to do and takes years of retraining to break the spell; being continually told that unless you conform you will go to hell is very difficult to overcome. This God even says He loves you, much like in an abusive relationship. You must be mindful of history and how that 'love' actually plays out.

I suggest you invoke more: the Gods will save you from this delusion.

Therefore I can only conclude that those of you who are still including Christianity in any manner in your Paganism are either Christians coming to be fed what your own religion can't provide or infiltrators diluting and destroying our religion. Or, perhaps, you are a Pagan who has not yet committed yourself to your religion sufficiently to jettison the God who wishes to destroy it. Sadly, you don't even have to be conscious of this to be doing it.

I shall be blunt: you need to get conscious and make your choice. I have. I am Pagan.

12/2/2022 9:09:59 PM
  • Pagan
  • Pagan Restoration
  • Worship
  • Christianity
  • Paganism
  • Sam Webster
    About Sam Webster
    Sam Webster is a Mage, Mason, Sorcerer, Seminarian, and Pagan Priest, restoring the way of the Gods.