A worldwide reunion of women

The convention begins for me when I got to the airport yesterday and saw a sister from another church in my state.  We began talking and shared the names of our roommates.  Her roommate is a former student of mine. My roommate is my daughter, who is a pastor's wife and lives in Michigan.  I'll see my members who have left North Carolina, old friends and our leaders.  I am so grateful that the Lord has allowed me to come one more time!

Goldie Frinks Wells, a retired educator, has served as President of Saints Academy, Lexington, MS, a member of the Board of Trustees of Wells Memorial Church of God in Christ, Greensboro, NC, and District Missionary of the High Point District, National Director of C. H. Mason Jurisdictional Institutes, and a member of Greensboro City Council.  Originally from Edenton, North Carolina, Wells has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Hampton University and North Carolina A&T University, and a doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2005, she was elected councilwoman for the 2nd District in Greensboro.

1/1/2000 5:00:00 AM