By Fr. Mike Boutin
The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." (Mk. 6:30f)
Check out this Thrice video. Definitely a funky spin on the Gospel message:
We're all too busy: emailsblackberrysIpodsappointmentsmeetingskidspackingfor vacationcleaninglaundrycookingphonecallsmowthelawnexerciseread...with no space for commas in our sentences or our wonder we're always trying to catch our breath...
Jesus knew it...and he asked the Twelve to breathe catch their come away by themselves to a deserted place to rest....
So let's go off to that deserted place right be made whole....
Find a place to be comfortable right now...or just sit up straight at your desk or in your chair... Now feel the weight of your feet on the floor....and the palms of your hands in your lap...become aware of your breathing....take deep ....slow ....breaths....
feel the air go in....and then out....slowly....feel your chest rise....and fall....
Now remember the place where you are most relaxed....the beach....your backyard...the bathroom....the lake....on the top of a the woods....sitting in your window in the morning....go there now....and discover it as if you were going there for the first time....look around....feel the sun on your face....the wind gently caressing your skin....smell the salt air at the beach....feel the cool breeze at the top of the your cat playing in the backyard....
Remember that peaceful place...full of calm....and breathe slowly and deeply...
Then notice that someone is coming toward you....He looks familiar...and his eyes can penetrate your soul....his smile spreads across his face....he approaches you with love...sits down next to you...
And Jesus says to you..."Rest in me...."
Now pray.....
7/20/2009 4:00:00 AM