How do we stop the brutality of what humanity does in the name of wars and religion? We must listen deeply with a heart of compassion. There is no difference between the human heart and the heart of Earth Mother.
We may ask, "What does Mother Earth want for her children?" There is one simple way that we can hear Her answer: the quiet within us needs to be activated by compassion. When we have compassion, we can feel the Earth tremble, the Earth cry, the Earth rejoice, and the Earth smile. There is no difference between the human heart and the heart of Earth Mother. She weeps. She smiles. She laughs. She cries.
From a small seed of caring and compassion, we as individuals can transform ourselves into those who can carry the world instead of having the world carry us. There are those who would crush Mother Earth with their great desire to own land that belongs to another country or another person, instead of sharing Her bounty. We must stop and see Mother Earth actually as our own mother. What would you want for your mother? Would you want her to be afraid? Would you want her to be cruelly taken care of, or would you want her to have breathing space?
If we, the divine family of humanity, got together and placed our thoughts in the well of compassion, we each would have an idea that would create rather than destroy. What stops us is the refusal to listen, which comes from the ego.
Transformation begins when we walk briefly in each other's shoes, when we gather beneath the stars, the moon, and the sun to hear each other's tongue. We listen and contemplate; and if enough of us listen to each other's dreams, they can take root.
One example of a tool for transformation is splitting the tension; when tension is split, only half its power remains. We transform ourselves into those who care for humanity. We create togetherness instead divisiveness. We split the tension - and the ego stops, and love seeps in through the cracks caused by wars, the cracks of children crying for their parents, and the cracks that AIDS has brought to an uncaring world.
Let us all listen to each other and hear in another's voice what our Mother Earth needs, wants, and must have for life to go on beneath the stars, beneath the sun of love. We need the type of non-threatening, universal language that allows for each of us to express our commitment to personal transformation. It is the transformation that comes first then we all understand that we are all part of each other, and we rededicate ourselves to creating a true global community. In honoring the truths in each of our hearts, we will know how to protect and take care of Mother Earth.
Listen to Ma Jaya here:
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, a CPWR Trustee Emeritus, is a spiritual teacher, author, artist, humanitarian, and founder of Kali Natha Yoga. She has been honored with numerous awards for her compassionate work with both the living and the dying. Ma is the founder of Kashi Foundation, an interfaith organization based upon a commitment to humanity through service, spirituality and education. The 2007 recipient of the Gandhi (USA) Humanitarian Award, Ma helps support a township in South Africa and orphan centers in Uganda and India.
9/15/2009 4:00:00 AM