God is Not One: An Interview with Stephen Prothero

Are you hopeful we can achieve this kind of civil community that joyfully debates?

I am totally hopeful. This is the Confucius in me, I think -- the Confucius who believes in the importance of learning. I'm convinced that the old ways of going about this are not going to work. I think we need Interfaith 2.0. Rather than forcing false unity, let's assume we're different and our goal is to understand the differences and to appreciate living with them.


This article was originally published at www.ReadTheSpirit.com and is reprinted with permission.

David Crumm is an author, journalist, and filmmaker with more than twenty years experience as a Religion Writer for the Detroit Free Press, Knight-Ridder newspapers, and Gannett. Crumm is now the Editor of ReadTheSpirit, a new online home for important voices in religion and spirituality.

7/9/2010 4:00:00 AM
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