Heresy and the Future of Japanese Buddhism in Hawaii

Surely, there are other strategies of revival and survival. Whether they work or not can only be determined by trying them out. One thing is clear: most of what is being done now is not working. Tradition can be construed in many ways, and my own preference is to see tradition as the old and often repeated practice of breaking away from the past in order to create something new. This is what Shinran, Hōnen, Dōgen and other great leaders did. They were, in short, heretics who created new orthodoxies. The process must continue, and Buddhism in Hawaii will die unless it is revived by those brave enough to be heretics.

For more about Shinran Shonin, visit the following:


George Tanabe is Professor Emeritus at University of Hawaii and has published such important titles on Buddhism as Religions of Japan in Practice.

7/5/2010 4:00:00 AM
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