by Patheos Staff
With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
There's something about kids singing that just is balm for the soul, isn't it? Listen to Maranatha Kids singing "Trust in the Lord" thanks to YouTube!
I was watching some kids playing at the lake where I was staying on summer vacation. A whole group of little kids spent an entire afternoon running down this dock and jumping into the water . . . cannonballs, dives, in pairs, some even with their eyes closed! And all the time, laughing, and giggling, and just being kids. It did my heart good.
When they left, I walked to the edge of the dock. It moved and swayed under my weight. The waves lapped at the wooden edge, beckoning me in. I looked down . . . into the deep . . . I think I glimpsed Loch Ness! It was dark, and scary, and I couldn't see the bottom.
What if there were rocks? What was hiding under there, waiting to consume me? Would I survive?
Maybe I could just put my toes in . . . get used to the water . . . gently slip in, a little at a time . . .
But then I remembered all those kids . . . laughing, and trusting.
"Trust in the Lord, and not in your own understanding."
I could hear the Lord calling me: "Trust in me when the seas are stormy in your life.
Trust in me when life is dark and worrisome. Trust in me when you can't see the bottom . . . when you're afraid. Trust in me . . . you will not drown. I will teach you to walk on the stormy waters, as long as you hold my hand and keep your eyes fixed on me. Trust in me. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I went to the Cross for you. Don't you think I love you enough to be with you in the stormy times of your life?
"Now and always. I am with you."
So I closed my eyes. I jumped . . . and like those little kids, I giggled and laughed and trusted.
And I found myself falling into Love's embrace. And that made all the difference . . .
Now pray . . .
7/28/2010 4:00:00 AM