Their world is more of words than knowledge, where the ability to talk substitutes for the need to know, and where common knowledge rests on false premises. A world separated from the military, it purports to define how we fight. A world largely separated from true entrepreneurial risk, it purports to run our economy. A world enamored with the sexual revolution, it purports to tell us how to live. And they keep failing.
Politicians like Sarah Palin are not anti-elite. They are against this elite. They are not anti-intellectual. They are against what passes for intellectualism in our chattering classes. An Army Ranger? Elite. A snarky writer? Not so much.
In standing against the malice and condescension hurled her direction, Sarah Palin stands against a very dark aspect of American politics and culture. And in that regard -- even if we perhaps prefer different candidates for president -- conservatives should stand with her.