Reflections on Ostara, Part 1

We can also honor the moon God Mani and the Sun Goddess Sunna on Ostara because this is a day of balance, when night is equal to day. We're only just seeing the restoration of the worship of these two Deities, though Their importance to our ancestors (who, despite tales of Viking raids, lived largely agrarian lifestyles) was probably tremendous. Their blessings, after all, are necessary for any fecundity of the land.

The rabbit or hare has a long history as a sacred animal. The earliest known reference in British lore that comes to mind is Boudicca. Before going on her attacks against the Romans, she loosed a hare in honor of the Goddess Andraste. Further, the rabbit is a symbol of fecundity and fertility. The rabbit is also associated with the moon and was thought, in many folklores, to be a symbol of good luck. In a nice bit of synchronicity, we've just passed the Lunar New year and are now in the year of the rabbit, which makes it a particularly auspicious time to honor this animal spirit. Rabbit is all about tapping into one's creativity, overcoming fear, and engaging in artistic expression—all good ways to herald in the spring!

We no longer live lives so intimately connected to the land as those of our ancestors yet we are still, in so many ways, dependent on those ancient rhythms for our health, state of mind, and yes, for sustenance. Though most of us aren't farmers, we still have to eat and despite all the inventions and interventions of modernity, that food still comes from the blessings of the earth. It is right and proper to honor its rhythms and to celebrate the turning of the seasonal tides. Over the next couple of weeks, as we move closer to the Equinox, I shall be discussing the Deities associated with this time and the mysteries of the season. I encourage people to post their own insights. Let us continue reclaiming our traditions.

3/2/2011 5:00:00 AM
  • Pagan
  • Highway to Hel
  • History
  • Holidays
  • Ostara
  • Spring Equinox
  • Paganism
  • Galina Krasskova
    About Galina Krasskova
    The author of several books on the Northern Tradition, Galina Krasskova is a Heathen priest, shaman, and devotee of Odin. She blogs at Gangleri's Grove.