Patheos Featured Writers

Galina Krasskova

Galina Krasskova is a free range tribalist Heathen who has been a priest and godatheow of Odin for close to twenty years. As part of her devotional practice, she also maintains strong ties to Loki, Sigyn, and Andvari. As a Northern Tradition shaman Ms. Krasskova specializes in divination and ordeal work. She is also a gifted rune-master and occultist. In addition to being the founder of Urdabrunnr Kindred in NYC, she maintains membership in several other groups, including Ironwood Kindred (MA), Asatru in Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and the First Kingdom Church of Asphodel (MA). Her primary interest is Heathen devotional work and she has both written and lectured extensively on this subject. Ms. Krasskova is heavily involved in the reconstruction of Northern Tradition shamanism and, in addition to several of her own books, has contributed extensively to Raven Kaldera’s Northern Tradition Shamanism series.

Originally ordained through Fellowship of Isis and then The Interfaith Fellowship, Krasskova holds a diploma in interfaith ministry from The New Seminary in NYC, a BA in Religious Studies from Empire State College in New York City, and an MA in Religious Studies through NYU. Krasskova has returned to graduate school for a second Masters degree in Classics and hopes to pursue a PhD in medieval Latin. She is a member of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, the American Academy of Religion and currently serves as a staff writer for "Witches and Pagans" Magazine. Her publications include: “Exploring the Northern Tradition,” “Runes: Theory and Practice,” “Sigyn: Our Lady of the Staying Power,” “The Whisperings of Woden,” and many more. She may be reached at [email protected]. For more information on her work, please go to

Works by Galina Krasskova
Following the Dead: Road Trip, Part 2
Galina Krasskova | August 23, 2011
Galina Krasskova continues her trip to honor the Civil War dead....
We are only defeated when we stop trying....
Following the Dead: Road Trip, Part 1
Galina Krasskova | August 02, 2011
I decided to deepen my work with the military dead by honoring those who died in the......
Most Greek gods are a little aloof, maintaining that fundamental divide between......
Dionysos is the Liberator who helps us break the bonds that hold us back from living a......
The Mother of All Ancestor Questions
Galina Krasskova | July 19, 2011
Perhaps you have ancestors who are African slaves and slave owners. Those conflicts......
The Top Ten Questions about Ancestor Veneration
Galina Krasskova | July 11, 2011
Definitions, instructions, and other handy guidance for venerating ancestors....
Indigenous Heathenry
Galina Krasskova | June 29, 2011
Our ancestors didn't struggle and suffer, didn't endure oppression, colonization, even......
Elevating the Ancestors
Galina Krasskova | June 14, 2011
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about exactly how one should go about......
Coming Out as Heathen, Pagan, or Wiccan
Galina Krasskova | June 07, 2011
Those converting to polytheistic religions often find themselves without support,......
The Power of Place, Part Two: What You Can Do
Galina Krasskova | June 01, 2011
Connecting with the here and now is as important as connecting with and honoring the......
The Power of Place, Part 1
Galina Krasskova | May 24, 2011
Each city has its own sentient spirit. Cities are alive. Places are alive....
Honoring the Elemental Powers Redux
Galina Krasskova | May 17, 2011
I may not like being out in nature but I respect the Powers that inhabit and form it....
Honoring the Mountain Spirits: Our Memory Keepers
Galina Krasskova | May 10, 2011
Mountains are meant to be honored, and when they are treated with the respect that is......
Honoring the Elemental Powers
Galina Krasskova | May 03, 2011
It is yet one more method of colonialism and genocide encouraged by the monotheistic......
A Meditation on Beltane
Galina Krasskova | April 26, 2011
Beltane is about deciding what kind of person we would like to be when the harvest is......
Beginning a devotional practice is simple: give to Her from your heart, listen for Her......
Virtual Veneration: Online Shrines
Galina Krasskova | April 12, 2011
Sometimes all one can do is surreptitiously seek out a web shrine as a place of......
Honoring the Dead: An Interview with Laura Patsouris
Galina Krasskova | April 05, 2011
Without being rooted in your ancestral line, how do you expect to have the strength and......
Photographing Fortuna: Interview with Mary Ann Glass
Galina Krasskova | March 31, 2011
The magical aspect of photography is that it stops time. That fleeting moment is gone......
Reflections on Ostara, Part Four: Honoring Ostara
Galina Krasskova | March 23, 2011
Eostre is about potential and progress, birth, growth, and regeneration. This is what......
Sometimes playfulness is precisely the tonic necessary to the grimness that life can so......
Chilly, windy days where the scent of spring is in the air but its promise not yet......
Reflections on Ostara, Part 1
Galina Krasskova | March 02, 2011
Christians renamed this celebration 'Easter' but the original name of this holiday comes......
Thor Halvorsen explains the challenges of Deaf Pagans in this Highway to Hel interview....
Facilitating a flowering of devotionals, Rebecca Buchanan shares her journey and hopes......
In this interview with Galina Krasskova, Tess Dawson reminds us that religion in the......
The Solstice Celebration That Wasn't
Galina Krasskova | February 02, 2011
When the trappings of ritual are used, the sacred has been invoked, and should be......
The Art of Respectful Speech
Galina Krasskova | January 26, 2011
I believe that we need to give a thought as to how we want people to relate to our Gods,......
A New Set of Virtues?
Galina Krasskova | January 19, 2011
Are the Nine Noble Virtues enough? Highway to Hel columnist Galina Krasskova thinks we......
Interview with P. Sufenas Virius Lupus, Founder of...
Galina Krasskova | January 12, 2011
P. Sufenas Virius Lupus talks about intrafaith dialogue, atheism, Shinto, hero cults,......
Spirituality Is a Two-Way Street: (or Suck it up,...
Galina Krasskova | January 05, 2011
We are in a war of ideas and attitudes, a war in which we ourselves are the worst of all......
Devoted to the Dioskouroi: Interview with John Drury
Galina Krasskova | December 24, 2010
The Dioskouroi may seem obscure, but they were more popular among the ancients than you......
On Prayer: A Heathen Perspective
Galina Krasskova | December 15, 2010
Should we pray? Do Heathens pray? How does one pray? Why should we pray?...
Meditating on the Maxims: An Interview with Allyson Szabo
Galina Krasskova | December 08, 2010
Szabo's Longing for Wisdom examines the Delphic maxims from a modern Hellenic Pagan......
Tradition Building: The Power of Honoring the Dead
Galina Krasskova | December 01, 2010
When it comes to restoring Pagan and Heathen religions, sometimes knowing where to begin......
The Sacred Craft of Divination: It's Not a Parlor Trick!
Galina Krasskova | November 24, 2010
Diviners practice a hard-won and demanding skill and they deserve your respect....
Happy Thanksgiving?
Galina Krasskova | November 19, 2010
This Thanksgiving, amid giving thanks with family and friends, take a moment to honor......
Honoring the Dark Lady of Sumer: A Book Review
Galina Krasskova | November 17, 2010
"Highway to Hel" reviews a devotional about a little-known Sumerian Goddess: Ereshkigal,......
Contemporary Pagan devotionals are on the rise, the latest being dedicated to Zeus,......