Turning the Tide in the Abortion Struggle

The young pro-lifers today believe they can change the culture, to change the law, to change the world. When Roe was passed in 1973, it did not follow a clear constitutional imperative so much as it expressed the moral and spiritual culture emerging from the 1960s. Now a new culture is emerging as more pro-life generations rise up to claim a greater share of influence. As Alveda King, whose uncle Martin knew a bit about popular movements, observes in the second video, "When you see the young people come on board, then you know that victory is on the way."

In the next part of this series, I will discuss the way forward. But there is a way forward. The culture of life in America is in renaissance, and the children of that renaissance are turning the tide.

5/12/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Roe v. Wade
  • Evangelical
  • Life in the Marketplace of Ideas
  • Abortion
  • History
  • Media
  • politics
  • Pro-choice
  • Pro-life
  • Christianity
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Evangelicalism
  • Timothy Dalrymple
    About Timothy Dalrymple
    Timothy Dalrymple is the CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Polymath Innovations, a strategic storytelling agency that advances the good with visionary organizations and brands. He leads a unique team of communicators from around North America and across the creative spectrum, serving mission-driven businesses and nonprofits who need a partner to amplify their voice and good works. Once a world-class gymnast whose career ended with a broken neck, Tim channeled his passions for faith and storytelling into his role as VP of Business Development for Patheos, helping to launch and grow the network into the world's largest religion website. He holds a Ph.D. in Religion from Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Tim blogs at Philosophical Fragments.