The Archbishop and the Prime Minister: Religion and Politics in Britain

I share neither a political loyalty nor a denominational affiliation with the Archbishop of Canterbury, but I admire his willingness to speak courageously and graciously in the name of Christ. He models for the rest of us a willingness to engage in the political discourse, to champion the rights not of Christians but of the needy and marginalized, and to offer sensible, nuanced, firm and gracious counsel to both government and opposition.

The Church of England continues to be Established, although current debate about continuing that status is also loud and substantial over here. But even though it remains the institutional church of Britain, the Church of England is first and foremost Christian, and when the Archbishop speaks for those without a voice, stands up for peace and justice, and invites those on opposing sides to come together and seek reconciliation, he is reminding the entire world whose we are and what we do. And that, it seems to me, is worth the risk of controversy.

I will write again next week from this lovely island. May the Lord bless and keep you until then.

6/22/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Progressive Christian
  • Faithful Citizenship
  • Anglicanism
  • Britain
  • Barack Obama
  • David Cameron
  • Media
  • politics
  • Christianity
  • Greg Garrett
    About Greg Garrett
    Greg Garrett is (according to BBC Radio) one of America's leading voices on religion and culture. He is the author or co-author of over twenty books of fiction, theology, cultural criticism, and spiritual autobiography. His most recent books are The Prodigal, written with the legendary Brennan Manning, Entertaining Judgment: The Afterlife in Popular Imagination, and My Church Is Not Dying: Episcopalians in the 21st Century. A contributor to Patheos since 2010, Greg also writes for the Huffington Post,, OnFaith, The Tablet, Reform, and other web and print publications in the US and UK.