Christians may not be voting from their belief in biblical principles or church......
I'm not Episcopalian because I think the Church needs me; I am Episcopalian because a......
In this exclusive interview for Patheos, the Zaleskis explain their attraction to the......
"You and I have been called for just such a time as this. This is our vision. This is......
"Every Sunday people choose us. So I believe it is important to understand why they are......
As much as I love hating the Duggars and love crowing about how much better I am, I too......
"I attend an Episcopal church, but I still carry with me attitudes and convictions from......
Here's how to read and understand the Bible, the Anglican "middle" way....
What do you do when you and another fellow Christian really don't agree?...
It's spiritually important to be reminded that we are part of something bigger than......
I know why "spiritual but not religious" might seem to some people like a very good......
The resurrection story, however we understand it, whether or not we can explain it,......
Unlike Christians of the past 500 years who focused on doctrine, Francis operated more......
"God and the Gay Christian" could convince anyone wrestling with a biblical reason to......
Despite our cultural differences, the Rev. Waters and I are both seeking ultimate......
When we look closely at the sins of the Capitol, they are our sins -- exaggerated, to be......
What N. T. Wright has given us in his two-volume study is the master class on Paul that......
So much of our religious language seeks to insert meaning where there may be no meaning,......
Don Jon, like many of us, is all about me and mine, and porn is emblematic of that......
"A Land Without Sin" treats the great human themes -- love, faith, family, forgiveness,......
For the sake of my kids -- of all the kids watching you grab at the high life -- could......
The conclusion reached in the new book Fight is clear and cannot be nuanced: the......
Sometimes a place becomes so important to you that you can't imagine what your life......
Today's church is already wired, and if your parish isn't taking full advantage of all......
How might we talk to each other with respect and in Christian love -- even when we......
Senator Davis' filibuster was a victory for rowdy women everywhere who know their rights......
Without active engagement in conversation about the life of faith -- what it is, what it......
Knowing that the God who loves us totally wants to be loved totally in response offers a......
When churches ignore or marginalize mental illness, they fail at the most basic......
When the world is raging and our thoughts are raging along with it, it's hard to be a......
Working on a final novel together, Brennan re-taught me this great lesson: God already......
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" director Joss Whedon knows that we need to be a part of......
Yes, Republicans should moderate their views on social issues like gay marriage. But not......
We need to hear the old stories in new ways to understand our own story of life in......
As I listened to the album, I noticed more than once that I was performing that action......
It's not just Rapture prophets who make Christians look bad. Let's all stop talking......
Rather than canonizing Lewis, McGrath's meticulously detailed book succeeds in......
This year's Best Picture films seem to espouse a common spiritual message: You have to......
A third to a half of us are introverts, and yet our schools, our businesses, and yes,......
Why do Lance Armstrong, Manti Te'o, and other celebrities, politicians, and athletes go......
If young people view the Church as unsafe, we just might be raising the most......
We are a more credible, more authentic voice when we are linked to the ancient faith of......
From the comeback of a beloved quarterback to the completion of a beloved movie trilogy,......
Perhaps the reason we're so drawn to Christmas films year after year is that consciously......
Before Santa Claus there was St. Nicholas. Who was this patron saint of children, patron......
Author James Wellman argues that Rob Bell may be the bellwether of a new American......
A great work of great imagination like The Hobbit can entertain us, but it can also......
What does a life lived in love and seeking reconciliation with those who differ from us......
What the hit TV series Lost shows us about how much we need each other to survive....
Best-selling true crime author Suzy Spencer leaves one mystery behind for another -- the......
In his new collection of speeches, the Archbishop of Canterbury offers a stirring model......
In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty. In all things, love....
Our discourse is as badly broken as our political system. Why? Because we'd rather feel......
True holiness comes from placing God first -- and not mistaking faith for patriotism....
If Republicans style themselves the party of Christian values, then why don't they value......
Could the Episcopal process of "via media," or the middle way, cultivate greater truth......
A new book, American Dream 2.0, opens up an uncomfortable conversation about change and......
Does the Christian tradition suggest that guns be widely available in America, as those......
Any suggestion that a cold-blooded killer is God's agent to punish a wicked land is......
The Hebrew Testament proscriptions against false gods strike us as ridiculous and......
Faithful citizenship requires, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said on the last night of his......
In Faithful Citizenship, I said something very much like Mr. Mehl-Laituri does in his......
I wish I could tell my grandmother that some days her Jesus and my Jesus seem to be, at......
Why Queen Elizabeth, she of the Jubilee, she of pomp and wealth, is nonetheless a......
Is speaking your truth as a politician -- especially when it's not what people want to......
Why are American Christians offended to hear that America might be wrong?...
In his response on gay marriage, the President cited the Golden Rule, a......
It's a fine line from bad theology to belief in magic....
We all live in what British political writer Iain Martin describes as a "culture of spin......
Greg Garrett talks with author Timothy Beach-Verhey about what a 20th-century theologian......
What does it mean to be a faithful citizen in the 21st century? Read Chapter One from......
Julie Clawson and Greg Garrett discuss why popular culture and Washington, D.C. are both......
In an insanely violent culture that has led to a million American murders since 1968,......
Millions of people are sitting to watch "The Hunger Games." Will anyone stand up, ala......
The problem for mainstream American Christianity has become a simple one: it has gotten......
I believe I'm called to recognize that the essential differences between Republican,......
In a nation full of Christians, how is it, that at the end of the day, enlightened......
Does it matter to you whether or not a candidate for office is Christian?...
"How many of us are really prepared to follow the way of this radical rule breaker?"......
Popular columnist Greg Garrett picks the top cultural "events" from 2011 that carried......
Patheos Faith and Politics columnist Greg Garrett offers his top four game-changers of......
Mary, that frightened teenager who became Mary, the Mother of God, can teach us, if we......
As you think about the Advent season, the Christmas rush, and the new year ahead, where......
Today in Advent when we hear about John the Baptist, what are we being called to do?...
"25 Books" is, to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau, an attempt not to elevate the new, but......
I've got several responses as we consider the question of helping others across the......
Each of us has a role to play in this fight for the world's poorest people. It's not......
In this month of Thanksgiving, we'll explore the problem of hunger and look to U2's Bono......
If we want to avoid turning our neighbors into monsters, we must become informed, and......
A new book reveals how the monsters of the American imagination are also the monsters of......
The American frontier individualism ethos that Gov. Perry and the Tea Party embrace is......
Christianity is not about praying in a certain way, or believing a certain thing, or......
The new movie "Drive" illuminates America in the here and now in ways that are......
A new book shows that American Muslims embrace America and want to be embraced in return......
"We are right to be incensed at terrorist acts -- but wrong to ignore our own violation......
After a spiritually and otherwise dismal decade, is it time to move forward after the......
I finished Ramadan convinced that people of good faith on both sides of the......
How popular culture -- especially literature -- has helped us have the post-9/11......
Muslim Americans love America, and are here not to spread their faith, but for the......
How to approach the Bible with the best available sources -- and not just those you......
In some ways, America is like a big Freshman Comp class: it thinks it already knows what......
If I could give one piece of advice to those grieving in Norway, it would be to take on......
It seems that Britons who once delighted in titillating stories now are discovering they......
In largely post-Christian Britain, the most popular export since tea has its basis in......
How did Britain's most prominent Prime Minister see the relationship between his......
How does the government's church criticize the government? How can it serve as a......
What I'd propose as an underlying theology for a 21st-century progressive Christianity......
Setting aside all the things I could say about what's spiritually wrong with Disney......
I've come to believe that your nicey-nicey message and your God of infinite promises is......
Why does the X-Men story continue to be spiritually powerful almost fifty years after......
One of the youngest and most dynamic bishops in the Episcopal Church reflects on the......
Did the Founding Fathers want to create a Christian nation? It depends where you look......
I believe this is where I want to land theologically and spiritually on violence in my......
Christian realism suggests that sometimes as a nation we must use power in ways that......
How might the Royal Wedding represent something good and beautiful and spiritual despite......
Do we really believe in the risen Christ? And if we do -- or don't -- how does that......
St. Francis showed the world -- and generations to come -- what a passionate and......
No other figure has the range of life experiences with Jesus or testifies so powerfully......
Christianity has often been taught as this equation you solve for x. But if we don't......
The Benedictine way of continually seeking after God offers something we could emulate......
The Desert Fathers and Mothers are sometimes marginalized today as freaks, hermits, or......
The richest 400 of us now control more wealth than 150,000,000 of us. What is our......
Can you tell me what in scripture or the tradition makes you think that Jesus would cut......
Can secular government have a part in doing God's justice? Can taxes and spending help......
As we as a Nation debate what to cut and what to spend, what do the Bible and the......
I don't know if Hollywood needs a hug, but I do. And this year, I feel like the Academy......
To Tax or Not to Tax: What are my God-given rights and responsibilities as an American......
When security is our highest good, we tend to live tiny, frightened lives that keep us......
In Jesus' ministry, healing the demon-possessed seems to be as important as healing the......
In a world filled with violent and hateful rhetoric, Christians are called to give up......
Love for our neighbors suggests that we should accept restrictions on some absolute......
It will take commitment to this call: to relearn community, real community, to remind......
Here are some of the pop culture artifacts from 2010 carrying powerful lessons about......
Is it sacrilegious for the United States Senate to work during the Christmas holidays?...
When we speak a seasonal greeting, I believe the impulse behind it matters more than our......
Insisting that people say "Merry Christmas" won't make people believe what we believe......
The question this Christmas is still, as always, about choosing between God and Mammon:......
However widespread the belief of American "exceptionalism" might be, can one argue from......
I love my nation and my family, but I believe that there are some things that should not......
How should Christians respond to the inordinate concentration of power and influence......
To make holding on to our own money an absolute value leads us in dangerous theological......
I Am Third: First Steps Toward an American Political Ethic. Our latest post on Religion......
Harry Potter and Stanley Hauerwas remind us that if all are to be taken care of, if all......
I'd dearly love to blame my faint-heartedness, faithlessness, and fickleness on some Big......
A Baylor University professor introduces a new weekly column on religion and politics....
On this ninth anniversary of an act of hate, surrounded by recurring acts of hate, I......
Are Evangelicals the new mainline? Not so fast . . . An Episcopal lay leader responds to......
The history, practice, and theology of mainline Christianity may in fact be better......