Imagine That!

Now, close your eyes and imagine that the spirit of that person, or of that quality, inhabits your body. Feel their heart as your heart, their mind as your mind.

Inhale, thinking to yourself, "Christ's love lives within me, as my love," or "Buddha's state of enlightenment is my enlightenment," or "The courage of Gandhi is my courage." Exhale, thinking, "Their inner state fills my body."

Do this for a few moments. Then ask yourself, "How would I move through the world if I truly embodied the qualities of this being? How would I treat myself? How would I be with my partner? My kids? My parents? People on the bus? How would I eat? What would it be like to interact with others?

Let your imagination totally open to this. Make the leap of imagining yourself enlightened, love-saturated.

For the remainder of the half hour, act out of that experience. BE the great being you're imagining yourself to be. Act out the quality you want to imbibe. Do this for half an hour each day for a week, and see if you notice the effect.

7/5/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Hindu
  • Meditation for Life
  • Imagination
  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Petition
  • Hinduism
  • Sally Kempton
    About Sally Kempton
    An internationally known teacher of meditation and spiritual wisdom, Kempton is the author of Meditation for the Love of It and writes a monthly column for Yoga Journal. Follow her on Facebook and visit her website at