Note: Visit the Patheos Library for more information on Mormonism.
You can feel it in the air in Salt Lake City and around the world as Latter-day Saints prepare for a valued, semi-annual gathering of 14 million members and friends: The 181st Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be held on October 1-2, 2011. General Conference, originating in the 21,000-seat Conference Center in Salt Lake, is carried by satellite, TV, and Internet streaming to millions of people around the world. In addition, thousands of individuals and families from San Paolo to Seattle, Mozambique to Miami, travel far to hear the words of the prophets.
Conference weekend is a special consecrated time of year when Latter-day Saints gather, along with those of other faiths, to hear, as Mormons believe, the voice and messages of the Lord Jesus Christ through ecclesiastical leaders (male and female) under the direction of the First Presidency—a prophet and two counselors—President Thomas S. Monson, Dieter F. Uchtdorf and Henry B. Eyring.
The purpose of Annual and Semi-Annual Conferences, from a Latter-day Saint perspective, includes sustaining and hearing the will of the Lord from apostles, prophets, seers, and revelators; receiving choice, timely and personal instruction, revelation, inspiration, and renewal; and sharing with the world the message of the restoration of the Savior's original Church in our day and His continued ministry. Mormon General Conference also includes sharing pertinent Church business and announcements such as the building of new temples and related Church events.
General Conferences are held in addition to Latter-day Saints' weekly worship services. They include four two-hour blocks of meetings over a two-day period, Saturday and Sunday, as well as a special pre-Conference Women's Meeting (Relief Society) reaching a global audience of approximately 4 million women, and a priesthood session that takes place on the Saturday evening of each General Conference weekend for ordained men. This year's General Relief Society Meeting (Women's Meeting) was held on Saturday, September 24. Audio and video archives are available in over 70 languages, for any who who missed it.
General Conference, as viewed by Latter-day Saints, is a singular and glorious opportunity for all of the world to sit at the gospel table together and learn at the feet of modern apostles and a living prophet. Everyone is invited to participate—to listen, worship, learn, and go forth to build the Lord's kingdom on earth.
The following FAQ was developed by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to facilitate your participation in this semi-annual, glorious event that spans the globe. All are invited.
How can I prepare for General Conference?
In the September 2011 First Presidency message, President Uchtdorf shared ways we can prepare ourselves for General Conference.
Also, be sure to add the session times to your calendar:
- Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 am MST
- Saturday, Oct. 1 at 2 pm MST
- Priesthood—Saturday, Oct. 1 at 6 pm, MST
- Sunday, Oct. 2 at 10 am MST
- Sunday, Oct. 2 at 2 pm MST
You can find out where it the conference available in advance (see availability question below).
In addition, review the blessings of General Conference, and review the highlights from last conference.
How can I access General Conference?
General Conference is available through several different media channels worldwide. Here are the best ways to find General Conference in your area:
Stake Center: Contact your bishop to find out if your Stake Center will broadcast the sessions of conference. For a complete listing of chapels around the world, visit our maps page.
Television: Coverage is available through BYUtv, BYUtv International, KSL and other TV stations worldwide. Check your local listings for availability.