Planetary Illuminations: Astrological Forecast for February 2015 now posted

Planetary Illuminations: Astrological Forecast for February 2015 now posted February 1, 2015

Mandala by Paul Heussenstam Mandala by Paul Heussenstam

You can read the article in its entirety right here.  If you are not yet on my mailing list please sign up in the sidebar to receive this monthly report with a translation into language that is easy to understand!

Here is the introduction with the major events coming up this month.  To learn more about how your own chart is affected by these planetary cycles, consider a personal consultation.

The big story in February is the continued tightening of the square between Uranus and Pluto which will culminate for the last of seven exact phases in March.  Throughout February these two planets continue to tighten their dance, squeezing out any last bit of resistance to the cataclysm of change that our inner and outer worlds have experienced over the past five years since this cycle began.

The elemental balance right now is highly mutable, with four planets in Pisces and a shortage of the Earth element which helps us to ground and build a stable foundation from which we can evolve and grow.  This lack of Earth will continue over the next several months, making it even more important to ground ourselves and find stability where we can.

Uranus and Pluto have been interacting in a challenging formation to the lunar nodes – the signposts of evolutionary growth from past to future.  The lunar nodes are concerned with fate and destiny, and there is a sense now that every action has tremendous importance in carrying us towards that destiny.  Choices that we make create our fate, and cycles of change require a degree of trust in the wisdom of the Universe to effect change in exactly the best way to help us evolve and grow and become empowered as spiritual humans.  With Saturn now in Sagittarius our faith (Sag) is likely to be tested (Saturn), especially if this faith is based in fantasy or unhelpful to us in other ways.

Mercury is retrograde until February 11th and you may have noticed that communication is more challenging and misunderstandings more frequent.  This will begin to improve once Mercury turns direct on the 11th, but until it picks up speed after its change of direction we are likely to still need to look back and re-evaluate areas of our life that may require adjustment.

Saturn (discipline and mastery) will make a challenging square to Neptune that will culminate later in the year but that planetary dynamic begins to make itself known now.   Conflict between our dreams and ideals (Neptune) and the practical reality of life on Earth (Saturn) may take center stage and require integration – the practical (Saturn) dreamer (Neptune), imaginative (Neptune) routines (Saturn), spirituality (Neptune) with a solid foundation of practice (Neptune) – these are all excellent ways to integrate Saturn and Neptune into greater wholeness.

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