
Progress July 19, 2010

Last night, our toddler had a melt-down of epic proportions. The cause: She wanted to go to Mass with Daddy, but Daddy was only taking her big brother – he likes to sit in the front row when Daddy is the lector, and can be trusted to do so…whereas she cannot, at least not yet 🙂 In any case, evening Masses don’t usually go splendidly with our younger children, so we split up for Mass yesterday. Lesson learned: Never split up for Mass again!

Back to the tantrum. There was uncontrollable crying, there was screaming, there was flailing of limbs and all sorts of other tantrum-like behavior. But do you know what? There was no hitting and no biting. Yes, a bit of grabbing, but nothing more. This, my friends, is great progress, and in the midst of the chaos I was very grateful for it! One semi-cold shower and some snuggle-time later, all was calm and my little girl was able to fall asleep peacefully. Thank goodness.

I wonder what progress God has seen in me lately? My daughter’s behavior is not perfect, but she is making progress and I am very proud of her. Is my Heavenly Father noticing similar progress is one of the imperfect areas of my life? Something to think about on this Monday afternoon…

God bless all of you today. Mary, Mother of divine grace, pray for us!

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