August 10, 2015

Summer is winding down so it feels like a good time to organize and reconsecrate the workspace. You can use this simple charm wherever you work, even if you aren’t out of the broom closet with your coworkers.: just charge the stone at home first! Read more

August 6, 2015

The abundant love and respect my husband and I share that allows us to bridge the gap of our faiths to create sacred space together. Read more

August 3, 2015

Every Monday, I’ll share a simple spell or charm that I use in my own busy practice. Remember, magic doesn’t always have to be a formal affair! Read more

July 31, 2015

I try to celebrate the eight sabbats whether I’m on my own or with the group, and I wanted to share a simple solitary ritual with you to honor the coming harvest festival. Read more

July 27, 2015

Every Monday, I'll share a simple spell or charm that I use in my own busy practice. Remember, magic doesn't always have to be a formal affair! Read more

July 24, 2015

I try to cultivate magic and mindfulness in every aspect of my life, not just when I’m at my altar or standing in circle, and it’s that same view that shapes my use of both magical and mundane tools for magical purposes Read more

July 21, 2015

In all honesty, who isn’t busy? We’re usually rushing from place to place, our schedules packed with activities, some fun, others not so much. We are experts at filling our days. Read more

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