A Catholic reading plan that will change your life

A Catholic reading plan that will change your life March 7, 2017


We are told in Scripture that entering through the gates of heaven is like a camel going through the eye of a needle.  One way to ensure that the eye of the needle is a little larger, or we are each a slightly smaller camel; is to consume the Word of God and consume books ABOUT the Word of God. Vicki Burbach has written a book that takes readers by the hand and shows them how to integrate a reading plan into their lives that will draw them deeper into the faith. How to Read Your Way to Heaven: A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the Greatest of Saints, and Everyone in Between is a book that will be by your side for years to come.

Reading Our Way to Heaven

Vicki opens the book with “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could read our way heaven?” That question is answered with a resounding YES by the end of the book. In saying that we all know it takes a little more than just cracking open a book and instituting a reading plan to get to heaven, however, spiritual reading is a critical component of one’s development as a Catholic. Vicki’s story is proof that the choice of material we consume plays a direct influence on where our lives go. It is important to consider not only Vicki’s example but the fact that great saints such as Augustine and Ignatius found themselves led to conversion through books.

In Vicki’s case, she describes her post-conversion as “it was as though I had become a card-carrying member of the most amazing and far-reaching library in the world!”  When one pauses to think about, they know this to be true. In its two-thousand-year history, the Catholic Church has been the home to many, many authors. The books they have written cover the gambit of topics about spiritual growth. If there is a topic about the faith you are looking to learn more about, there is certainly at least a book written at some time by someone that covers what you need.

Spiritual reading readies us and arms us for the spiritual battle we face today. When armed with the truth we are better prepared to defend our faith. We are also more inclined to spread our faith when we know our faith. A key tenant of the New Evangelization.

Incorporating the plan

So how will this book help you incorporate spiritual reading into your life? Quite easily and in a very structured manner that anyone can follow. The main plan is a five-year program that takes users through each of the four pillars of faith in the Catechism: The Profession of Faith, The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, Life in Christ and Prayer. Each day consists of reading a chapter from Scripture, two paragraphs from the Catechism and a chapter or so from a spiritual book. By the end of five years, you will have read through the entire Bible, the entire Catechism, and some 95 books!

The books are well diversified and some the best titles out there. The books are divided up with the plan to allow a few weeks to cover them, dependent upon length. A few of the titles include:

Mary the Second Eve by John Henry Newman (1 week to read)

Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed (5 weeks)

Christianity for Modern Pagans by Peter Kreeft (12 weeks)

The Sinner’s Guide by Venerable Louis of Grenada (8 weeks)

The Story of a Soul by Saint Therese of Lisieux (4 weeks)

Witness to Hope by George Weigel (14 weeks)

Little Talks with God by Saint Catherine Sienna (3 weeks)

Making it happen

Readers can also utilize this Catholic reading plan program in shortened versions of one year and three-year versions where some of the Scripture reading has reduced. So here is the key to the entire program. I challenge readers of this blog to pick up this book and take part in the five-year reading plan. You might be thinking how I can accomplish this? In essence, this reading plan should take about 30 minutes each day out of your entire day. That’s an entire 2% of your day. That would mean cut some Facebook time, close the novel you are reading a little sooner, and skip a half hour of TV each day. Renew your focus upon your creator. Become a child of God and rest at his feet and make spiritual reading an integral and structured part of your life. Your reward will be eternal.


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