How men can reclaim their lives for Christ through the beatitudes

How men can reclaim their lives for Christ through the beatitudes March 27, 2017

bedaditudes_spotlightMen today are facing a crisis. Each day we are faced with a culture that minimizes our roles as fathers. This does have to be the case however. We must learn to cast aside what society tells them they should be and instead, embrace their faith and become the fathers God wants them to be. “God has a plan to transform you into the father you are meant to be through his love and grace.” Greg Popcak has written a book that shows men exactly how to accomplish this in BeDADitudes: 8 Ways to Be an Awesome Dad. As the blueprint for success Greg utilizes a section of well-known Scripture that many may not have thought could be linked to fatherhood. The Sermon on the Mount gives us eight guidelines known as the Beatitudes.

“The eight Beatitudes are the provocative standard by which we measure every other vision of what fatherhood entails. They are the standard by which the example of our own fathers or the culture’s idea of fatherhood or our own efforts at fathering must stand or fall.”

Before reading this book I never thought of connecting fatherhood and the beatitudes. After reading this book the connection is clear. You have heard the Sermon on the Mount at least a few times at Mass. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. Blessed are those who mourn. Blessed are those who are meek The list continues, but the idea is Greg applies each of these to the vocation of fatherhood.

Each beatitude is explained in its own chapter. Each chapter opens with an explanation of the beatitude at hand. Such questions are addressed such as “What does it mean to be poor in spirit?” and “What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?” What follows are the meat of each chapter. Three sections as follows will change your life and perspective on roles as men. Your Relationship with God, Your Relationship with your wife and, Your Relationship with your children provide the catalyst that will propel readers past the standard quo dictated by society and launch men into the role of godly men that they are meant to be.

There are a number of books on the market today for Catholic Men. I have often spoken of how Father Larry Richards book changed my own life. Greg Popcak’s book BeDADitudes adds another layer to other books for men I have read and it does so by taking a unique approach. The beatitudes are a fitting set of rules to live by and, in particular, provide an amazing blueprint for men today.

Greg Popcak has crafted a field manual for men today who want to reclaim themselves and their families for Christ. We are called to be godly men and we simply need the courage to answer the call. By taking up the challenge and applying the principles outlined in this book men will reap the benefits of a grace filled life. Men, you owe it to yourselves and your families, to ensure you are living Christ centered lives. Be godly men, be faithful men, be men that boldly step out from the norms our culture tells us are normal. Succeed in your quest by applying the BeDADitudes to your lives today.


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