Questions given, questions answered

Questions given, questions answered June 24, 2017

27-questions-spotlightQuestions, questions, questions. We all have them, and we certainly have plenty about the faith. No one will ever have the answer to every possible question in the Catholic faith. This is why I thoroughly enjoy resources that allow me to expand my knowledge about the faith. A Priest Answers 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask by Father Michael Kerper is one of those books that provides the answers. At least 27 of them as the title alludes to!

In the pages of the book, Father Kerper has collected and provided answers for 27 questions relative to the faith. I’ll list a few below but for now, let’s discuss Father’s style. This is not a dry question and answer book. It’s not a book that dredges out facts. Father makes the content engaging and enlightening at the same time. The questions cover quite a bit of ground, and the book covers four main areas: Our Life in the Church, Our Life in the World, Our Life in the World to Come, and Our Faith and Odd Traditions. As you can see the book pretty covers one’s entire faith journey. Though not exhaustive the questions are interesting and include the following:

Can the divorced receive Communion?

How should we fast?

Are we required to give to everyone who asks for something?

Why doesn’t Pope Francis like pets?

Can Catholics believe in reincarnation?

Do ghosts really exist?

The list goes on, but these are simply a few that jumped out at me. As you can see even the topics have some lightheartedness to some of them. Two things to bear in are that these are actual questions that have been posed to Father Michael. Secondly, there are never dumb questions…..only those unasked.

As Father notes in the beginning of the book:

“We learn to answer questions well by observing the techniques of good, truthful, prudent, well-informed people. Throughout my life, God has blessed me by bringing me into contact with many people worthy of imitation.”

Father answers to the 27 Questions You Never Thought to Ask are on the surface quite easy to digest and understand. Lying under the surface are meaty responses that not only satisfy those asking the questioning but the reader as well. Father has done a unique service to us all by bringing these questions and answers to print so that everyone can reap the benefits of their wisdom and solid guidance.  You may never have thought to ask some of these questions, but you’ll be glad someone did.

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