When Does Drinking Coffee Become Social Justice?

When Does Drinking Coffee Become Social Justice? October 20, 2009

If the question seems strange, I understand. We don’t usually think of our morning cup of Joe as particularly world changing. But if you’re Jonathan Golden then you don’t see a disconnect. Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee sees coffee as a means of redemption. Their slogan says it best: Drink Coffee. Do Good.

The Rwandan genocide of 1994 had left the coffee growers simply devastated. It was upon realizing this that Golden launched a ministry to partner with these farmers and help them rebuild. He gives them a fair living wage, supports community building projects, and “invests up to $3 a bag into the Rwandan economy.” Suddenly drinking coffee ministers to people. And what started out as his burden has been shared with coffee lovers all over the world.

Land of a Thousand Hills is just one of a number of growing organizations started by young entrepreneurs seeking to change the world. Many of these organizations have been started by Christians who see part of their role in this world not simply to do church, but be the church. They are seeing their faith as an integrated part of their everyday life and striving to impact the world in the name of Jesus, with the gospel and with justice. You see, when you’re a Christian even a cup of coffee can become a means of communicating the love of Jesus. Paul himself urged us to let everything, even eating and drinking, be done for the glory of God.

As a coffee fanatic I can’t explain how much I love this ministry. I also can’t help but wonder what simple, mundane, everyday things in my life could be turned into a ministry. Consider your life, friends, and ask yourself how can your everyday life impact the world for Jesus? If you’re not sure then maybe you should think about it over a cup of coffee. I know I will.

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