November 9, 2007

Click here to listen! We recorded our show on action heroes not realizing that we were about to come face to face with one of the greatest action movies we’ve seen in a long time. After David and I saw 3:10 to Yuma, we were pretty stunned. It was one of the most well-made, unique and unlikely movies we’d seen in a long time, and after chewing on it for a while, we decided we just had to talk about... Read more

November 9, 2007

This past Sunday, the world watched as Hollywood commended itself for producing such brilliant television, and at the same time acknowledged that it really doesn’t put out brilliant television. So what’s the deal? How good is television, really? And what do the winners of the Emmys say about, well, anything? This episode, David and Rich attempt to answer this question, and they also try their hardest to come up with five new Fall television shows they kind of want to... Read more

November 9, 2007

On a dark, cold night in December, Rich and his wife camped outside of Best Buy on a whim. After braving the cold for eight hours (and you better believe his wife got the sleeping back), they left the store with a Wii… and it was totally worth it. Or was it? If the iPhone is overrated, is the Wii the truly revolutionary invention of the decade? Can a video game truly embrace community, or are the two concepts mutually... Read more

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