Where Will You Go?

Where Will You Go? October 22, 2018


Do you lead a busy life? Going here — going there – having little or no time for added opportunities or responsibilities? Or, are you in a season of life where you’re ready for a new adventure, an opportunity to do things you’ve never done before and go places you’ve never been before?

Photo credit cdgrunewald / Lightstock

As I write this devotion, I’m sitting on a plane headed to South Asia — a place I’ve been called to, a region I’m honored and privileged to travel to each year. In 2014, I was encouraged by my pastor to go on a mission trip that took me half-way around the world. Little did I know, four years later I would be taking my fifth flight to this amazing place to speak to, pray with, and minister to women from all walks of life.

After careful prayer and lengthy discussions with my husband, I said yes to the opportunity God gave me to travel to South Asia. During my very first trip, God pierced my heart for the precious women there, women who have a passion for God. Women who have a deep desire to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Him and His Word.

For as far back as I can remember, I’ve cared deeply for those who are struggling and are in need of help, hope, and encouragement. My heart breaks for men, women, and children who are mistreated, misunderstood or stuck in desperate conditions and circumstances. And, my heart overflows with joy when I see these same fellow strugglers embrace their God-given courage to step away from their debilitating issues, to embrace change and hope for their future.

Some of us are called to travel half-way around the world to help others and share Christ’s love. Some of us are called to lend a hand and share His love in our own communities and neighborhoods. No matter where God asks us to go — it’s up to us to always be prepared to say – yes.

When God leads — He prepares the way.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you.
He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:8

When God places a burden on your heart for a particular person, place, or group of people, be ready to say yes and ask, “God, what am I to do?” Then do it. I know from personal experience, there’s nothing that compares to a front-row view of God at work and nothing brings greater joy than being directly in the midst of His will.

About Ann White
Ann White is the Founder, Executive Director of Courage For Life in Marietta, GA. She is an internationally known author, speaker, and passionate Bible teacher. Ann founded her global ministry out of a calling to share with others how God and His Word brought restoration to her life and marriage. You can read more about the author here.

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