RIP Jack Chick

RIP Jack Chick October 24, 2016

Jack Chick, famed fundamentalist Christian Cartoonist, has died.  God rest his soul.  Truth be told, I had never heard of Jack Chick.  Not as a non-believer, not as an Evangelical pastor.  I knew his works by reputation, but never put a name to them.  I mostly had heard about his anti-Dungeons and Dragons cartoon which, along with the deplorable TV Movie “Mazes and Monsters”, was legendary for its awfulness.  On my way into the Catholic Church, however, I finally had a name for the pain.

And yet it always interested me that I had spent over 12 years in Protestant ministry and never heard the name, at least not to any degree that led me to look into who this Jack Chick fellow was.   Once I heard his name, while journeying into Catholicism, then I was able to link his name and his work.  His overall cataloged didn’t disappoint.  But yet it was odd, don’t you think?  I mean, I was never a hardcore Right winger (those who worked with me would laugh at any attempts to put me into extreme right wing circles), but I knew many who were.  I also rubbed shoulders with more than one dyed in the wool fundamentalist.  And yet, his name never came up.  I guess people aren’t quite so monolithic as we sometimes think.

Nonetheless, he deserves all prayers and mourning that we give to anyone.  For all he did and wrote, he wasn’t someone we should apologize for praying for.  So God’s blessings upon his soul and for his family and loved ones.  Peace and strength to them, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

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