Please define Fake News

Please define Fake News December 9, 2016

We’re seeing a wave of condemnation aimed at Fake News.  Fair enough.  Fake news is certainly a problem.  But could we define Fake News before we rush in?  I get that it’s a problem.  It always has been.  See Richard Jewell for a classic example.  But right now, we’re plowing in with ‘it must stop!’ without really defining what we mean.

And if I’m any judge of horse flesh, I can guess that it won’t be long before “Fake News” becomes any story from a perspective with which I disagree.  Just as hate speech has become, for some people, defined as opinions I don’t hold.  I get that things like this can sometimes be subjective.  But at least some agreed upon definition would be nice.

So before we rush forward with yet another bold crusade, could we at least define what the enemy actually looks like? Anyone who has links to such an agreed upon definition is welcome to provide it.  That’s all I want to see.

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