Celebrities really need to stop joking about killing President Trump

Celebrities really need to stop joking about killing President Trump June 23, 2017

So Johnny Depp, who more or less has been Jack Sparrow since The Black Pearl, made a not too thinly veiled suggestion about a good old assassination the way John Booth used to bake them.  His classic denial of the obvious, that was so crucial for us youngsters back in the day when it came to allusions to sex and drugs in pop culture products, doesn’t cut it.  You can’t fool someone who doesn’t know a world without rock and roll, and who came into his teens alongside MTV.   The ‘we didn’t mean that (wink, wink)’ was an essential element of growing up under the tutelage of 70s and 80s teen entertainment.

Again, stop.  Just stop.  And none of this ‘oh yeah, look what they said about [some former president].’  Now, if you didn’t mind what they said about [some former president], then by all means.  ‘A’ for consistency and all.

But since I never condoned or supported the vile things said about former presidents, especially where clear hatred or allusions to death were concerned, I see no reason to change my basic belief that wishing people who don’t believe the way I believe should be killed, however thinly veiled, is wrong. And that was before last week.

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